Today’s recipe: grown up mac and cheese with an Asian twist!
Think fried rice meets mac and cheese.
Weird? Maybe. Delicious? You bet!
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Mostly Foodie and Artsy Fartsy Stuff by Jenn
Today’s recipe: grown up mac and cheese with an Asian twist!
Think fried rice meets mac and cheese.
Weird? Maybe. Delicious? You bet!
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For 2 months in 2006, I lived in Nha Trang, a beach front town in South Vietnam where my mom currently resides. It’s a beautiful and somewhat touristy town with delicious food. One of my favorite parts of the day was waking up in the morning and deciding which street food vendor I would try next. Unlike most urban American street vendors, where you have your standard pretzel, hot dog, or falafel carts, the vendors in Vietnam serve a smorgasbord of different dishes. On one corner, you can treat yourself to beef noodle soup. If you go down a block, you can gorge on savory sizzling crepes. Kitty corner from that vendor, you can indulge in a brothy seafood soup.
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